This is where I write blog post #2. To edit this post, I need to go to Dashboard->Posts->All Posts->Hover over Post 2 and choose “Edit.” To delete this post I need to go to Dashboard->Posts->All Posts->Hover over Post 2 and choose “Trash.” To create a new post, I need to go to Dashboard->Posts->Add New.
I can add a beautiful picture at the top by adding it to the “Featured Image” box at the bottom right-hand corner of where I edit the post. I can also add a picture inside the text by clicking on the “Add Media” button and choosing a picture, like this one for example.
Utilisez la prudence chez les enfants parce que Prednisone peut affecter la croissance. Lors du sevrage, l’arrГЄt doit se faire progressivement, par paliers en raison du risque de rechute: rГ©duction de 10 % tous les 8 Г 15 jours en moyenne.